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Bridging the HPC/Data Divide

If you will be at SC22 in Dallas this year, don’t forget to join Pawsey’s Mark Gray and Maciej Cytowski in this Birds of a Feather, along with colleagues Timea Biro (CSC – IT Center for Science, Finland), Christine Kirkpatrick (San Diego Supercomputing Center) and Mark Michalewicz (Sano Centre for Computational Medicine, Krakow; National Supercomputing Center, Singapore)

Scientific advances designed to address global challenges require researchers to have seamless access to data and computing and increasingly high performance computing. A certain disconnect has characterized the relationship between the HPC and data communities and this needs to be addressed in order to fully support today’s data and compute intensive science. An open exploration of the sociotechnical and technical differences between the two communities, as well as describing any open challenges towards closer collaboration will be discussed. One BoF outcome is to draw in ‘HPC-oriented’ colleagues who wish to learn more or be more aligned with the data community.

More information on the BoF can be found here: https://sc22.supercomputing.org/presentation/?id=bof189&sess=sess338