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Pawsey Visualisation Conference

Join the Pawsey Visualisation Conference on July 23rd at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre.

  • Keynotes from international speakers
  • Demonstrations by visualisation competition participants
  • Discover the visualisation services Pawsey offers Australian researchers

What to expect?

  • Invited talks: experts in the field of visualisation will present their latest work
  • Talks: Researchers will present their visualisation methodologies and visualisation outcomes.
  • Visualisation competition talk and demo: Researchers who participate in the competition will present their work and showcase their visualisations (video or interactive visualisation including VR)
  • Pawsey Tour and Visualisation Lab Tour

More ways to participate 
Present your work as a talk: Share your insights and creative visualisation techniques through a dedicated talk slot. Submit your abstract below on this page.
Enter the Visualisation Competition: Showcase your data (video or interactive, including VR) during a dedicated showcase. Compete for the grand prize.
Submission Deadline: July 9th, 2024 (CLOSED)

Registration for in-person attendance is now closed, registration remains open only for online participants 

The event agenda can be found here:  vis.pawsey.org.au/events/2024vis_conference.html