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Using PennyLane on Pawsey’s Setonix Supercomputer

28 November 2023
9:00am - 11:00am

Join this free, online training, where Xanadu’s Quantum Community Manager Catalina Albornoz introduces quantum computing using the Python-based PennyLane software library.

During this training, you’ll have the opportunity to work hands-on with PennyLane on Pawsey’s Setonix supercomputer.

Xanadu is a Canadian quantum computing company with the mission to build quantum computers that are useful and available to people everywhere. Xanadu is one of the world’s leading quantum hardware and software companies and also leads the development of PennyLane, an open-source software library for quantum computing and application development.

This training consists of 2 days: 1 training day (this session) and a follow-up Q&A session.


  • Research Scientists, Data Scientists, and individuals who are interested in quantum computing (and high performance computing (HPC)), with a focus on Pawsey’s Setonix supercomputer
  • ALL domains of research, including but not limited to: physics, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, security, genomics, radio astronomy, etc.


  • Basic knowledge of Python
  • Basic knowledge of quantum computing (qubit, superposition, entanglement)


  • Day 1, 28 November 2023, 9am-11am AWST
    • Introduce quantum computing using Python-based PennyLane software library
    • Discuss key quantum concepts including:
      • Quantum circuits
      • Quantum hardware
      • High-performance quantum simulation on CPUs and GPUs
    • Demonstrate how circuits can be constructed and trained in PennyLane
    • Demonstrate how to use PennyLane to offload execution to an Amazon Bracket backend (in context of quantum hardware)
    • Share resources to deepen your knowledge on quantum computing (fundamentals to advanced)
  • Day 2: 30 November 2023, 9am-10am AWST. REGISTER HERE
      • Answer questions coming out of Day 1 – as you work through examples and apply your learning to your own domain/s and project/s


  • This is the second in a multi-series of quantum-related sessions organised by Pawsey.
  • If you’re interested in more quantum-related training from Pawsey and its partners:
    • Late October: Register your Expression of Interest for: AWS Quantum 101 Using Amazon Bracket (first in the quantum series)
    • Late January/early February 2024: Register your Expression of Interest for: AWS Braket bootcamp: Let’s get real! (third in the quantum series)
  • For these and other Pawsey trainings, go to the Pawsey Events page


Catalina Albornoz holds a MSc. in Electronics from Los Andes University and Engineering Diploma from IMT Atlantique in France, with a research focus on autonomous systems. She’s currently Quantum Community Manager at Xanadu, where she helps build the community around PennyLane. Today she’s working with professors from around the world, helping them include quantum programming in their courses. In the past, Catalina worked at IBM, where she was an IBM Quantum Ambassador.
