Pawsey’s Summer Internship Program 2023: Fostering Computational Excellence

Academic Diversity and Collaborative Endeavours

In its 18th edition, Pawsey’s Summer Internship Programme remains a lighthouse for students seeking immersion in the complex world of high-performance computing (HPC). The program lasts ten weeks and provides a unique combination of theoretical knowledge and practical, hands-on practice.

This year, the program grew to include 37 students from various academic levels, including 2nd and 3rd-year undergraduates, Honours, Master’s, and PhD candidates. The program’s collaborative ethos extended across the country as students worked with supervisors and collaborators from the University of Queensland, Griffith University, CSIRO, the University of Western Australia, Curtin University, ANU, Monash University, University of Sydney, Murdoch, DPIRD, Uni of NSW, Uni of Technology Sydney, Minderoo, ICRAR, SKAO, and the Western Australia Department of Health.

Future Computational Scientists Empowered

The dedication to skill development and mentoring the next generation of scientific leaders is key to the program’s ethos. Students obtain hands-on experience in computational science through these paid internships, contributing to a variety of research initiatives that align with Pawsey’s dedication to excellence and innovation.

Interns’ projects demonstrate the program’s dedication to diversity as well as innovation. Interns work on projects that push the limits of computational science, from ensuring responsible AI in security assessments to optimising searches for Fast Radio Bursts.

Projects aimed at improving security operations, such as those of Data61’s Dr. Fatemeh Javaland, give a chance for a student to focus on establishing a simulation environment for training deep reinforcement learning agents. The goal of the initiative is to enhance alert prioritisation in security operation centres (SOCs), which is an important part of effective cyber threat detection and response.

Prof. Ekaterina Pas’s team at Monash University engages with an intern to use machine learning to investigate the intricate world of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). The research project is evaluating the binding affinity of medications targeting GPCRs, which contributes to a better understanding of their interactions and possible uses in treating a variety of conditions.

These are just a few of the numerous possibilities open to students when applying to the program.

Looking Ahead: Highlighting Results

To meet the interns, visit our Facebook page, where we have put together an introduction to our students.

Students will present their research findings in a virtual event in mid-February, presenting videos and posters that capture the range and depth of the research they have conducted. This event demonstrates the program’s success in developing talent and promoting innovation. Register to our Pawsey Friend list to get an exclusive invite to this event.